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Women's Rights: Women Fighting To Fuck & Procreate With The Most Undesirable Men On The Planet

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Women's Rights: Women Fighting To Fuck & Procreate With The Most Undesirable Men On The Planet


Women really believe it is their right to use their wombs, coupled with the sperm belonging to the losers of the world, to birth best friends and companions (“You don’t want kids? What will you do in your spare time?”) as well as future caretakers (“Who will take care of you when you get older?”), anything but successful, productive human beings. And they have the absolute nerve to complain that the patriarchy is oppressing them!

Bitch, you’re oppressing yourself! You deserve what you get!

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One single gem, or article, of wisdom by Sanni Lark. For recurring mental treasures join the Evil Single Woman coven

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