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Women Don’t Recognize True Love Outside Of Marriage Because They Don’t Think For Themselves

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Women Don’t Recognize True Love Outside Of Marriage Because They Don’t Think For Themselves


"Many ladies have an extremely inflexible way of viewing life, especially relationships. They cannot help but adapt every single lie men have spoonfed them as the truth instead of analyzing if their opinions even apply to them. So they lock themselves into the marriage to family timeline created by the opposite sex where they feel like complete failures if they do not live their lives with precision.

So when it comes to relationships on a woman’s end there is no room for exploration. There is no room for error. There is no room to change your mind. If you don’t aspire to marriage or if you don’t get married by a certain age the only outcome for you is an existence where you are lonely, bitter, angry, and resentful.

This narrative is handed to young ladies by older men who apparently aren’t lonely, bitter, angry, and resentful! In the eyes of men and their handmaidens only women can be that way. And many ladies actually adapt this nonsense as their truth because they cannot fathom taking the time to think for themselves. Because men have done all the thinking for us. So a woman’s only life goal is to implement the blueprint men have created for all of us to follow to the letter."

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