Stop Asking The Spirits This Dumb-Ass Question!


"Many women lean towards their masculine energy more because the masculine polarity is more of a “straight shooter,” so to speak. If you reside more in your masculine energy you are someone who prefers straight yes and no answers. You want specifics: dates, times, locations, everything. You are obsessed with preciseness. Everything must fall into place on your time and there is no room for error, mistakes, delays, or distractions.

Unfortunately for you, life is not that black and white. This is why nobody can connect with the spirit world on your behalf, which is much more feminine and chaotic of a world than ours, to retrieve 100% accurate answers that put you at ease. Sorry, sweets!"

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One single gem, or article, of wisdom by Sanni Lark. For recurring mental treasures join the Evil Single Woman coven

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Stop Asking The Spirits This Dumb-Ass Question!
