
When It Comes To Sexual Consent, Parents Who Expect Grandkids Are Just As Bad As These Men.


When It Comes To Sexual Consent, Parents Who Expect Grandkids Are Just As Bad As These Men.


"It is very difficult to love someone who makes their own decision to reject meeting any requirements you have prematurely attached your heart and your hopes for the future to. Especially when you nearly gave your life to create them at that! However, this is a part of our evolution as human beings.

This is the closest any parent can get to understanding unconditional love: when they are not starting a family with the condition and expectation that sometime in the future their children will sacrifice their bodies, their money, their time, their dreams, and more to “repay” them for loving them in the form of grandkids!"


One single gem, or article, of wisdom by Sanni Lark. For recurring mental treasures join the Evil Single Woman coven

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