
How The Media Casts Spells On Beautiful Women


How The Media Casts Spells On Beautiful Women


"Through the media, women mistakenly believe holding power is a very public spectacle. It is in your face, and can only be validated through applause, paparazzi, and interviews; essentially functioning as a pretty, kept puppet. As a result of this lie that has held its weight for centuries, most women do not know what they want in life. They only know what the media tells them to aspire to want, and their brains trick them into thinking this was their own idea. This, my friends, is the foundation they use to compete with other women to strive towards the same destination, with nobody pausing the girl fight to ask if this destination is even worth it."


One single gem, or article, of wisdom by Sanni Lark. For recurring mental treasures join the Evil Single Woman coven

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