Profile PictureHoly Heroine

How Husbands Use The Institution Of Family To Vampire The Beauty & Youthfulness Of Their Wives

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How Husbands Use The Institution Of Family To Vampire The Beauty & Youthfulness Of Their Wives


"Women and their fake-ass outrage will always fascinate me, because many of them do not believe they offer much to this world than their beauty and wombs. Their fixation on marriage and motherhood despite excelling in their careers and other areas is proof. Only men and children validate their existence, not any of their contributions to society outside of the families they are brainwashed into creating. In fact, women are well-aware that men do not marry for love, but to control and use up their youthfulness, sexuality and beauty. And yet they are still dying to be wives because they don’t think they have any value or use for their femininity outside of being used by others."

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One single gem, or article, of wisdom by Sanni Lark. For recurring mental treasures join the Evil Single Woman coven

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