
From Single By Choice To Sovereign Entity: Exploring The Mathematics Of Romance


From Single By Choice To Sovereign Entity: Exploring The Mathematics Of Romance


When I have declared that I have absolutely nothing to offer a man, I am implying that I understand the laws of energy. If I ever want to entertain the possibility of a relationship I must also entertain the fact that I will have to sacrifice the peace of mind, comfort, and freedoms that come with being single to merge my life with someone else’s. I understand that sharing my life with another even within the most loving partnership is not always going to look good or feel good, in addition to the fact that it may not end on good terms, either.

Is any of this sacrifice worthwhile to me, just to go on “baecation” and have someone’s strong chest to lay on while we watch movies? Nah. Romance is beautiful, well at least the fantasy of it that has been created for us ladies to aspire to through Hollywood. But it poses far too much risk and sacrifice for me to even consider that there’s much reward in it. I don’t know about you, but I have grown tired of abandoning myself to accommodate other people.


One single gem, or article, of wisdom by Sanni Lark. For recurring mental treasures join the Evil Single Woman coven

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