
Earning A Seat At The Table > Pretty Privilege & Receiving Obedience Treats From Men


Earning A Seat At The Table > Pretty Privilege & Receiving Obedience Treats From Men


"Wielding your beauty to receive jobs you don’t want to work, marriages you resent, children you avoid, trauma bonds with meddlesome, jealous women, and compliments from underachieving men who are hopelessly addicted to coercing women into bed only covers a smidgen of your divine capabilities.

Actually, I will even argue that you shouldn’t waste any of your energy on viewing any of this shit as anything worth gloating over. Because at some point you will wake up and realize that it is not enough, and you spent decades trying to achieve a lie that was given to you, a nightmare that was marketed as a dream worth aspiring to."

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One single gem, or article, of wisdom by Sanni Lark. For recurring mental treasures join the Evil Single Woman coven

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